Welcome to HoTMetaL FREE v.2.0

HoT Stuff Indeed!

You have chosen to preview the world's premier Web publishing tool, winner of the PC Magazine Editors' Choice Award. SoftQuad thanks you for your patronage, and reminds you that this free version is strictly for private use, may not be used commercially or to produce commercial Web pages, and is not for resale.

Upgrade to HoTMetaL PRO 2.0 and Put More Power into Your Web Publishing

If you like HoTMetaL FREE v.2.0 you'll love the extra power you get with HoTMetal PRO 2.0, the full featured commercial version of SoftQuad's Web publisher:

A Brief Guide to HoTMetaL FREE v.2.0

Follow the links starting from faq.html to find information on some common topics from sources available on the World Wide Web.

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We thank you for acquiring HoTMetaL FREE v.2.0 and helping to make it the most popular HTML editor.